Your gift to the Phi Sig Fund is important to supporting the active chapter through three main areas:
Undergraduate Scholarships
The stimulation of scholarship is a critical Cardinal Principle for Phi Sigma Kappa. Your gift rewards deserving brothers for scholastic achievements and makes higher education more affordable.
Educational Programming
All Phi Sigs are required to complete developmental programs throughout the year. Your gift provides the necessary resources to ensure the brothers become honorable men and effective brothers.
House Maintenance and Improvements
Upkeep of the chapter facility remains a formidable challenge. Each year, house maintenance is needed to ensure a safe living environment for the brothers. Your gift provides the means to support and maintain an active and safe chapter house.
Recognition Levels
Union & Greenwich Club
Gifts up to $99 during the fiscal year will receive recognition in the e-newsletter.
Founders Club
Gifts of $100-$499 during the fiscal year will receive Union & Greenwich Club benefits & a special PSK gift.
Red Carnation Society
Gifts of $500-$999 during the fiscal year will receive Founders Club benefits & 1 ticket to the annual Homecoming golf outing.
White Tea Rose Society
Gifts of $1,000+ during the fiscal year will receive Red Carnation Society benefits & conferring of an academic award in your name to a worthy Brother.